A recent purchase for the CRA Archive has been a copy of the Rules and Regulations used jointly by the two companies. Our Archivist, Guy Wilson, has scanned the contents of the book and we can now offer copies of it to members. It contains a lot of detail on the day-to-day operations of the railway and repeatedly and sternly reminds its employees of their obligations under the law. The copy we have is dated July 1857 and covers the duties of all the employees of the companies.
Below are a few of the rules and regulations included in the book:
"6. The conduct of every Servant is expected to be firm in the execution of his duty; at the same time he must be prompt, civil, courteous and obliging to the public, and invariably give his name when requested.
10. Every Servant must appear on duty clean; and when uniform is provided it must be kept and used with care, and any damage must be repaired at the wearer's expense. On. leaving the service he will be required to deliver up to his superior Officer the uniform and every other article supplied by the Company. Every Servant of the Company who has uniform is required to wear it while on duty.
16. Engine-drivers, Stokers, Guards, Pointsmen, Porters, and Gatemen are recommended to insure, in the Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, against the risks of accident while in the execution of their duty, and the Company will pay half the annual premium. [This advice was given to the author on his joining London Transport in the late 60s and who was concerned that it would seem the company was not entirely confident in its own services]
79. Before the Engine starts the Engine driver is required to ascertain that the Engine is in complete working order, the Tender amply supplied with water, coke, and a sufficient quantity of oil and tallow, and that the following tools and articles are with the Engine, for which the Driver will be held responsible :-
A complete set of screw keys, a large and small monkey wrench, three cold chisels, a hand hammer, a sledge hammer, a crow bar, a screw-jack clean and well oiled, two short coupling chains, with hooks, a gauge lamp, a hand signal lamp, three engine lamps, large and small oil cans, a quantity of flax, spun yarn, and twine, grease, salt, and sand, plug-rod plugs for tubes, and two firebuckets, complete set of fireman's tools, a red flag and twelve detonating signals.
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