image awol!
Membership Number User Name Password
User Name and Password can be found in the latest edition of LX.

Please fill in all three boxes; the first requires your Membership Number, the second and third require the User Name and Password, which are published on the back page of each issue of "Lakes Express".

Log-in is essential for you to both access the Members' Area, and obtain a Member's discount on any purchases from the web-wagon. Log-out is good practice, as the permissions granted whilst logged-in will be immediately discontinued. Therefore do not log-out before completing a purchase, otherwise your discount will disappear. If you do not log-out, and your browser window stays open, the permissions will remain valid from the machine you have been browsing with. The cat could then make a purchase and attempt to obtain an illicit discount despite having refused to invest in a membership. In truth, the cat's misbehaviour would most likely be discovered, and full payment demanded. If the browser window to our site is closed, the permissions may remain valid until the browser itself is closed down. So..log-out if you remember, certainly log-out on a public computer, but don't lose any sleep if you have forgotten. Hopefully, you will be in the habit of re-booting your machine between birthdays.